Keeping a Soft, Clean, and Healthy Coat for Pets


A healthy coat doesn’t just make your pets look good but it also reflects their overall well-being. As pet owners, ensuring your furry companions have soft, clean, and healthy coats requires attention to grooming, nutrition, and regular veterinary care. Whether you have a dog, cat, or another furry friend, here are essential tips to help

Keeping a Soft, Clean, and Healthy Coat for Pets2024-06-30T13:58:50+00:00

How to Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks


Fireworks are a common feature of celebrations like Independence Day, New Year's Eve, and other festive occasions. While they bring joy and excitement to humans, they can be a source of significant stress and anxiety for pets. At the Animal Care Center, we understand the challenges pet owners face during these times and are here

How to Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks2024-06-16T22:03:35+00:00

Does Your Pet Have Allergies?


Allergies are not just a concern for humans; our beloved pets can suffer from allergies too. From sneezing and itching to digestive issues and skin problems, pet allergies can manifest in various ways, affecting their quality of life.  In this blog, we'll delve into the world of pet allergies, exploring their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and

Does Your Pet Have Allergies?2024-04-15T20:50:23+00:00

Senior Pet Care: Tips for Caring for Aging Pets


As beloved members of our families, our pets provide us with years of companionship, loyalty, and joy. As they age, however, our furry friends may require special attention and care to ensure they remain happy and healthy throughout their golden years.  In this blog, we'll explore the unique needs of senior pets and provide valuable

Senior Pet Care: Tips for Caring for Aging Pets2024-03-30T17:08:20+00:00

How to Keep Cats Entertained


Welcoming a furry feline into your home brings endless joy, companionship, and the occasional chase of a feathered toy. Cats are intelligent, playful creatures that thrive on mental and physical stimulation.  As responsible pet owners, it's our role to ensure our feline friends lead happy and fulfilled lives. In this blog, we'll explore why cats

How to Keep Cats Entertained2024-01-31T22:02:59+00:00

Feline Leukemia – What You Need to Know


If you have a cat or are considering getting one, you’ve probably already researched the best food. You likely already explored the different types of cat litter available, and found some toys that your fluffball is sure to love. These things will make your cat happy in your home, but your job as a responsible

Feline Leukemia – What You Need to Know2022-07-15T19:25:40+00:00

Can Cats Eat Pumpkins? And Other Food Questions for Felines


Can cats eat pumpkins? This is a question you might think to ask your veterinary clinic this time of year. Kitty owners are often concerned about what types of food their feline friends can and cannot eat. The good news is that there are plenty of foods that your cat can enjoy, but there are

Can Cats Eat Pumpkins? And Other Food Questions for Felines2021-10-12T12:37:27+00:00

How Serious is Pet Obesity?


It is well known that obesity is an epidemic in the United States. However, pet obesity is also a growing concern for our country as well. In fact, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 53% of adult dogs are overweight. Furthermore, 55% of adult cats are also overweight. While some may believe that

How Serious is Pet Obesity?2021-07-16T14:21:47+00:00

The Survival Guide to Summer Flea and Tick Season in Georgia


Here in Georgia, flea and tick season is a year-round event. But something about the steaming summer sun makes flea and tick season seem even more miserable, especially when pets are suffering from bites. The good news is that there are ways to prevent fleas and ticks not only during the summer but all year

The Survival Guide to Summer Flea and Tick Season in Georgia2021-07-02T17:55:07+00:00

Help Your Cat Cope with Separation Anxiety when You Go Back to the Office


After more than a year of cuddling at your feet or walking across your laptop as you Zoomed into meetings from home, your cat may become stressed when you start going into the office. Separation anxiety in cats is more common than most people think. There are many simple strategies that can help you prepare

Help Your Cat Cope with Separation Anxiety when You Go Back to the Office2021-06-04T23:50:44+00:00
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