Why Black Cats Make the Best Pets


Among the icons of Halloween is the enigmatic black cat–often associated with witches and superstitions. But while wives' takes might paint them as mysterious omens, in reality, black cats are some of the most delightful companions! If you've ever wondered why black cats make the best pets, prepare to be enchanted. Why Black Cats Make

Why Black Cats Make the Best Pets2023-10-11T16:40:37+00:00

Fall Pet Safety: Navigating Common Hazards to Keep Our Furry Friends Secure


As leaves fall and temperatures drop, the onset of autumn brings a myriad of enchanting colors, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin-spiced treats. However, fall also presents a plethora of potential hazards to our beloved pets. This includes toxic plants, harmful foods, and dangerous decorations. But understanding and recognizing these dangers are key in maintaining optimal fall

Fall Pet Safety: Navigating Common Hazards to Keep Our Furry Friends Secure2023-09-28T15:00:14+00:00

How to Find the Perfect Pet Sitter (or Try Dog Boarding Instead!)


When it comes to your pup, there’s no place like a soft spot on your lap in the comfort of your home. But when it’s time to go away, you might wonder who you trust enough to watch your dog or cat. Finding a pet sitter can make pet owners feel nervous. However, the good

How to Find the Perfect Pet Sitter (or Try Dog Boarding Instead!)2023-09-13T20:47:44+00:00

National Dog Walker Appreciation Day: How a Walk with Your Pup Can Brighten Your Day


Our pets, especially our beloved dogs, hold a special place in our hearts. They offer us endless love, loyalty, and often a reason to step outside and breathe some fresh air. Dog walkers play a significant role in our dogs' well-being, ensuring that they get the exercise and stimulation they require. National Dog Walker Appreciation

National Dog Walker Appreciation Day: How a Walk with Your Pup Can Brighten Your Day2023-08-30T20:48:27+00:00

The Benefits of Pets for School-Aged Children


Pets are part of the family. When it comes to kids, school aged children have a lot to benefit from a pet companion. Many kids have or want to have pets from a young age. In fact, 43% of kindergarteners have a dog at home. But what are the benefits of pets for school-aged children?

The Benefits of Pets for School-Aged Children2023-08-20T21:19:56+00:00

Beach Safety for Dogs: How to Safely Enjoy the Sand and Surf with Your Furry Friends


When it comes to the summer season, few things can rival the joy of a sun-drenched day at the beach. And who better to share this experience with than your furry four-legged friend? While the beach offers a fun-filled day out, it also poses a few challenges that need careful attention to ensure your dog’s

Beach Safety for Dogs: How to Safely Enjoy the Sand and Surf with Your Furry Friends2023-07-27T16:31:09+00:00

Summer Wellness for Pets: Keeping Dogs and Cats Healthy and Active


Summertime brings warm weather, outdoor adventures, and fun for everyone in the family, including our four-legged friends. However, this season also presents unique challenges when it comes to wellness for pets. When you need insight on how to best care for your cat or dog during the summer months, Animal Care Center is here to

Summer Wellness for Pets: Keeping Dogs and Cats Healthy and Active2023-07-09T03:00:25+00:00

Pet-Safe Gardening: Avoiding Toxic Plants and Chemicals


The benefits of gardening go beyond aesthetics. It's therapeutic, provides fresh food, and adds life to our living space. However, if you're a pet owner, there's another critical factor to consider - pet safety. To practice pet safe gardening, it's crucial to identify toxic plants and harmful chemicals that may pose a threat to your

Pet-Safe Gardening: Avoiding Toxic Plants and Chemicals2023-06-28T13:49:22+00:00

How to Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks: Tips for a Stress-Free Fourth of July


Does your cat or dog dread the sights and sounds of fireworks? Big booms and sudden flashes can be quite distressing for our canine friends. Many pet parents come to us at Animal Care Center for advice on how to keep pets calm during fireworks. The good news is that there are several options to

How to Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks: Tips for a Stress-Free Fourth of July2023-06-27T22:38:43+00:00

How to Teach Your Kids Proper Pet Care


If you're a pet-loving parent, you probably know how incredible the bond between kids and their furry friends can be. That's why it's crucial to teach kids proper pet care from an early age. Not only does it ensure the well-being and happiness of your four-legged family member, but it also instills essential values of

How to Teach Your Kids Proper Pet Care2023-05-29T16:33:43+00:00
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