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So far Hooked Marketing has created 84 blog entries.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? A list of Do’s and Don’ts for Feeding Your Dog


Your pup is part of the family. Whether it’s family pizza night or a quick mid-day snack, you probably see a big pair of brown (or maybe blue) eyes staring at you while you eat. It’s hard to resist the begging eyes of a dog, which might have you wondering what dogs can safely eat.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? A list of Do’s and Don’ts for Feeding Your Dog2021-08-10T15:51:22+00:00

Everything You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Wellness Checkup


When was the last time that you took your dog or cat to the vet? A wellness checkup is a great way to keep your pet in good health. This is a routine visit to the vet that's done each year for a variety of reasons.   Otherwise known as a checkup or physical examination,

Everything You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Wellness Checkup2021-07-29T00:50:12+00:00

How Serious is Pet Obesity?


It is well known that obesity is an epidemic in the United States. However, pet obesity is also a growing concern for our country as well. In fact, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 53% of adult dogs are overweight. Furthermore, 55% of adult cats are also overweight. While some may believe that

How Serious is Pet Obesity?2021-07-16T14:21:47+00:00

The Survival Guide to Summer Flea and Tick Season in Georgia


Here in Georgia, flea and tick season is a year-round event. But something about the steaming summer sun makes flea and tick season seem even more miserable, especially when pets are suffering from bites. The good news is that there are ways to prevent fleas and ticks not only during the summer but all year

The Survival Guide to Summer Flea and Tick Season in Georgia2021-07-02T17:55:07+00:00
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