Sometimes you want something different than a dog or a cat as a pet. There are a lot of animals that may be considered unusual pets, but we love them just the same. Here are some unique animals that make great pets:

Fennec Foxes

These foxes are tiny and when fully grown are about the size of a Chihuahua dog. Fennec foxes are not easy to obtain, and they can be costly, though they may become more readily available and less pricey as their popularity grows. Related Articles They do need a lot of socialization to make them comfortable around people and while they are “dog-like” this is not a pet you’ll ever be able to take off leash to the park.

They can be house trained like a cat, although most owners keep them in a large caged enclosure rather than giving them free run of the house. They do need a regular time out of their kennel, however. This salamander has been rising in popularity. They hail from Mexico and are oddly cute.


Axolotls are a good beginner pet as they’re not very hard to care for and they can also do well in a smaller tank, such as a 10 gallon although larger is better. They live in freshwater and need a good, strong filter as they can be messy.

Axolotls can eat frozen, freeze-dried, or fresh bloodworms, shrimp, and even ground beef.


Degus looks a bit like a cross between a Guinea pig and a hamster. They are very social animals and they need to be kept with at least one other degu to be happy. Males however will fight so it’s best to have degus of the opposite sex together. They can live in the same type of cage as you would get for a ferret or rats and use many of the same accessories and toys.

One benefit of owning a degu compared to other pocket pets is that they are not nocturnal and are active during the day when you are more likely to want to interact with them. Degus can nip if they’re scared or if they’re not acclimated to handling early and often.


You might be surprised to find out that cockroaches are considered a good exotic pet. The species that are commonly kept as pets are the Madagascar hissing cockroach, the death’s head cockroach, the Indian domino cockroach, and the Cuban cockroach. While they’re not a pet you want to be affectionate with, you can handle them fairly easily.

They can be considered an invasive species, and transporting them between states is regulated. These cockroaches grow between one and three inches long and live for about a year, though some can live as long as five years. They should be kept in groups because they are social, but they don’t require a large aquarium.

They also will need a heat lamp or pad to maintain a tropical temperature. As far as diet, they’re very easy to deal with as they can eat anything, including fruits, vegetables, leaves, wood, and even cat kibble and fish pellets and flakes.

Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders are adorable little tree-dwelling marsupials.

Although they make adorable pets, they are also illegal in many states including Alaska, California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Mexico. Sugar gliders can be easy to keep in that they’re small and thrive on companionship so they can be very affectionate. However, they’re also messy and can’t be house trained and they have four scent glands for marking territory.

Since they’re very social animals, you may need to keep two sugar gliders so they both have company when you’re not home.


Millipedes are an unusual choice of exotic pets but definitely, one that’s easy to care for and requires minimal space. The type of millipede commonly sold as pets is the African giant millipede.

They will need specific substrates and lighting and heating elements to keep the temperature and humidity at an appropriate level, but these are all easily acquired at most pet supply stores. The millipede is herbivorous and you can feed them fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a calcium supplement.

They can produce a substance that may irritate your skin however and it’s best to handle them wearing gloves. Hedgies, as they are affectionately known, are cute little animals that are covered in quills on top and have fur on their underside. They roll up into a spiny ball when they feel threatened, but with gentle persistence, you can teach them to accept handling.


Tarantulas may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but some people find them fascinating.

The benefits of owning a tarantula is that they are very low-maintenance pets that don’t require much other than feeding and cleaning their cages.

Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs, unlike their aquatic cousins, actually live on dry land, so recreating habitat for them isn’t very difficult. They do not require a huge tank and are a great pet for a small apartment. They are an easy exotic pet to own as they’re docile and will rarely pinch and don’t require much as far as daily care.

The downside to a hermit crab is that this isn’t a pet that will do much to interact with you and since they’re nocturnal, you won’t see much happening in their tanks during the day.


Some pet owners may not consider a snake “exotic” but to many everyday pet owners, keeping a reptile is definitely unusual.

Of all the pet snakes available, ball pythons are one of the easiest and make a good choice for a beginner. They are generally docile and easy to handle, and the most difficult part of owning them tends to be getting them to eat. They can be picky and refuse to eat from time to time.

Looking for an exotic pet to call your own? We can offer some more great suggestions. Contact us for an appointment.